Does Healthyline’s PEMF Mat Work for Chronic Pain?

I think many of us have heard about Infrared therapy and PEMF therapy, but does it even help your health and your chronic pain? Before Healthyline’s Infrared and PEMF mat, I’ve tried both therapies separately. We’ve had an Infrared mat for years now and I’ve tried...

4 Christian Books for Children

Have you been looking for Christian books for children for your youngster but haven't been able to find the best fit? Here I have a handful of books geared for various ages that could satisfy your eager learner all from a faith-based perspective. This post contains...

3 Christian Books on Suffering

Since we've talked quite a bit about suffering from a Christian perspective, I thought I would take the time to explore other faith-based authors who talk about their own suffering from a Christian perspective, so I compiled together several Christian...

A Look at the NLT Everyday Matters Bible

I gave this Everyday Matters Bible for Women as a present many, many years ago now and have been interested in it ever since. Thankfully, I had the chance to receive this Bible for free from Hendrikson Publishers so I can now show you guys the features...

War Room Prayers for the Sick

When you're sick, praying is sometimes one of the last things on your mind as is reading the Bible. But we as believers know prayer is power. And if you've seen the super-powerful flick War Room, you know that words overflowing from our mouth to God also...

A Look at the NIV First-Century Study Bible

I had the pleasure to look through the NIV First-Century Study Bible recently and wow! Let's just say it's jam pack with a bunch of features that would help anyone with their study of the Word. First of all, as the name implies, the aim is to bring you to...

3 Christian Books About Emotional Health

It's a wonder we struggle with our emotions as believers. We have the culture telling us that it's our right to be in a continuous state of happiness and then we have some in the church emphasize a secular mentality that we should always have a smile plastered to our...

What’s Your Worldview? An Interactive Approach to Life’s Big Questions

What's your worldview? I've heard some say they don't even have one. But the thing of it is, everyone has a worldview. And the interactive book by James N. Anderson appropriately called What's Your Worldview? shows us with clarity that we all do have a...

Great and Small Prayers for Babies

Irealize even though my baby is only a few months old, she needs her daily reading time to sharpen her growing brain. And since that growing baby brain of hers is like a sponge, soaking up all information available, I realize I better pay attention to what...

Vulnerable: Rethinking Human Trafficking

"S lavery still exists today." That's the super simple phrase someone said to be over a decade ago that introduced me to this whole frightening concept of human trafficking, a.k.a., modern slavery. It was a new concept to me at the time since slavery in...

How Cleaning Out Your Makeup Drawer from Toxic Makeup Helps Your Health

I'm going to be pretty honest with you right now. Cleaning up my makeup drawer from toxic makeup was one of the last healthy lifestyle choices I adopted. And this is coming from me. Me who was gluten-free before gluten-free was a thing. I nixed sugar a...

Is the He Reads Truth Bible a Good Gift Idea for Your Man?

I know, I know. It's not the norm to see men's material on here. But since I'm writing for women (mainly married women) I assume there is a man in your life you want to influence and encourage. So with this in mind, I bring you the men's counterpart Bible...

3 Ways to Trust God in Your Anxiety

    Anxiety penetrates its ugly teeth into our souls from a life unexpected. So what do many of us do when anxiety strikes? We try to reorient ourselves as the captain of our souls and the master of our fate and tell life we can anticipate...

A Look at the John Maxwell Leadership Bible

The Maxwell Leadership Bible is all about encouraging you to be a better leader by infusing you with Biblically based principles on the subject of leadership.   And who better to learn leadership from than John Maxwell himself?   This Bible is...

NIV Artisan Collection Bible: A Review

Have you ever seen those gorgeous photos of hand-painted Bibles? The ones with perfect calligraphy and arrayed with floral designs on its Bible cover? If you haven't stayed up to date with this trend, go check out Google images for yourself and type in...

Suffering is Never for Nothing: Wise Words from Elisabeth Elliot

If there's one person who is an authority on the topic of suffering, it's Elisabeth Elliot. In case you need a refresher on her story, she lost the life of her newlywed husband who was also the father of her young daughter. Her husband's sole desire was to...

Cole and Sav: A Review

This post contains affiliates at no extra cost to you all. If you want more info, see our disclosure for more. She was a single momma. He was just nineteen. Yet, they somehow fell in love, got married, and made a hit for themselves on Youtube procuring...

A Look at the CSB (in)Courage Bible

Once I clamped eyes on this lovely Bible brought to you by the partnership of (in)courage and CSB, I knew I had to share it with you guys! Clearly, there's been a lot of beautifully designed Bibles on the market as of late (as evidenced here, here, here, and here), so...

Restoration Year by John Eldredge Review

Restoration. There's something about that word that I absolutely love. It brings to mind a renewal of all things good. And ultimately, complete restoration makes me think of the new heaven and new earth God has prepared for those who put their trust in...

Afraid of All the Things Review

This post contains affiliates. Read our disclosure for more info. Tornadoes, black widows, and stranger danger, oh my! This world is a pretty frightening place. Scarlet Hiltibidal details in Afraid of All the Things how looming fears have swallowed up a...

Grow in the Word This Year with Women of the Word

Maybe you're reading this right now and you want to be a good student of the Word, but you don't know how. Or maybe, the motivation isn't even there. Why read the Word if you're already going to church and praying?   Enter in this little treasure of a...

Things Not Seen: Encouragement from the “Faith Hall of Fame”

Things Not Seen is all about the Faith Hall of Fame. You may remember that the Faith Hall of Fame is located in Hebrews 11 and chronicles the heroes of faith who didn't always act so heroically. No matter their flaws, they placed their faith in God. Given...

The “Behaving Badly” Series: A Helpful Bible Resource

The God of the Old Testament and the Apostle Paul have developed a baaad reputation to those outside of the faith, and even those in the faith. And even though Jesus is oftentimes considered the more peace-loving, prophet type, he did throw a table,...

Embodied Hope

  Sometimes it's difficult to know how to see your physical suffering through a Biblical lens. Is it okay to be angry with God? Are we allowed to be upset? And if we are, how do we infuse the command to be "joyful always?" If you're a Christian and...

A Look at Loving Him Well

Sometimes it's difficult to know how to influence our husbands well. Most wives know the very basic tenets, but we may not know what it takes to make a marriage thrive. I'll be one to tell you that I'm not usually a fan of most marriage books out there...

Remember God: A Review

This post contains affiliates. For more about this, see our full disclosure. Remember God chronicles a year in the life of author/speaker Annie F. Downs. As with pretty much anyone's year in the life story, there were some memorable moments (not making the...

Mere Hope: A Review

This post contains affiliates. For more about this, see our full disclosure. When I first took a look at Mere Hope, I’ll admit, I thought its content would be totally different than what’s inside. What would lead me to think that? Well, it’s a small book...

The CSB Worldview Study Bible

I know, I know. You're probably wondering another Bible review? Yup. But you'll soon find out why I'm so stoked about the CSB Worldview Study Bible  and what sets it apart from some of my other look-through-the-Bible posts. (You can see them here if you're...

The ESV Illuminated Bible

I don't even know where to start with the ESV Illuminated Bible. I'm trying to grapple with the right descriptive words: gorgeous, breathtaking, elegant...But yet, these words still seem to be lacking. Thankfully, a camera can do a little more justice to...

How to Find Your Ministry Niche

How to Find Your Ministry Niche I wish I could tell you that God dropped my ministry niche from heaven in a ceremonious fashion. You know, like a burning bush sign or even an audible call from His lips to my ear like He did with the prophets of old. But...

The CSB Study Bible for Women

There are affiliates in this post. Read our disclosure for more. Okay, so I've been on a bit of a Bible kick lately as you can tell here with the She Reads Truth Bible, here with the CSB Study Bible, and soon the ESV Illuminated Bible. And all I can say is...

A Look at Kiss the Wave: Embracing God in Your Trials

This post contains affiliates. See our disclosure for more. “I have learned to kiss the wave that throws me up against the Rock of Ages.” -C.H. Spurgeon And that poetic quote from C.H. Spurgeon is what inspired the name of the book Kiss the Wave: Embracing...

A Look at the CSB Study Bible

I think we all know that studying the Bible is good, but where do you begin? The challenge to study the Bible can seem pretty daunting, am I right? That’s why I’m super excited to share the…

What’s Causing My Anxiety? The Emotional, Physical, and Spiritual Reasons Behind Your Anxiety

“Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” 

I think pretty much every Christian knows this verse. (You can read a personal story of mine about

An Honest Review of In Bloom by Kayla Aimee

This post contains affiliates. Please see our disclosure for more. Let me first start out by saying that I picked up In Bloom: Trading Restless Insecurity for Abiding Confidence by Kayla Aimee because the premise seems to be one that most women can relate...

What If I Don’t Feel Healthy Enough to Read the Bible?

Some links on this page are affiliates. Click here for our full disclosure. What if I don't feel healthy enough to read the Bible? Can I skip reading it until I feel better?   That's the temptation I'm left with and many others when we're faced with...

Is the She Reads Truth Bible a Good Fit for You? An Honest Review

I remember thinking years ago that it was a near sin to love beautiful things. Maybe loving beauty just made me vain? That was until God brought to my mind the master crafters He had…

A Better Way Forward: Healing from the Harmful Ways You Cope pt. 2

Long seasons of hardship can leave us grasping for ways to cope. In our first part of this two-part series, I talked about five harmful ways to cope with your illness and other chronic struggles. If you don't know which coping style you relate to, there's...

Healing from 5 Harmful Coping Mechanisms & a Better Way Forward pt. 1

If you’re anything like me, you haven’t always adopted the best coping mechanisms when you hit a pot-hole in the journey of life…

10 Christian Memoirs for Women Who Want to Grow in Their Faith

  There's something about personal stories of faith that captivate our attention. Maybe it's because they remind us that heroes of faith can be found in any era and that maybe through Christ, we could even become a hero of faith in our own right- even if it's in...

Rewriting Your Broken Story: 5 Ways Eternity Can Change Your Story

It can feel like our lives are a book with pages torn or climactic chapters that extend much longer than it feels is necessary. We’ll be talking about rewriting these broken parts of our story with eternity in mind. Meaning there’s hope, friend. Your story can be rewritten by living with an eternal perspective and here are five ways how…

4 Practical Tips for the Christian Blogger

  This post contains affiliates. See our disclosure here for more. I see you, friend. You have your blog up and running, but you're still trying to figure out the practical day-to-day tips that you need to operate a successful blog. You know you need to keep...

How to Encourage Your Husband to Become a Proverbs 1-30 Man

    "Did you notice that while it is very true that women have one chapter dedicated to them in Proverbs, men have chapters 1-30 that pertains to them.  Meaning, that even though those first thirty chapters in Proverbs can still be beneficial to women, it...

Christian Quotes on Compassion and Suffering

  This post contains affiliate links. “A compassionate open home is part of Christian responsibility, and should be practiced up to the level of capacity.” ― Francis A. Schaeffer Pain insists upon being attended to. God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in...

A Look at the Millennials

This post may contain some affiliate links.  Millennials are now our largest generation, birthed mainly by the largest generation before them, the Baby Boomers. With a whopping 78 million in their population, it's no wonder they're talked about with such...

Body Repair: Church Healing Through the Three Doors of Prayer Method

  I'm so blessed to extend Kelly's story to you today because it's an aspect that is often forgotten when we talk about church hurts. The side of the pastor and their family. Listen closely to her story of hurts and forgiveness. It's deeply touched us and...

A Review of Detours by Tony Evans

    This post may have affiliate links.  I know you've been there. You had your goals mapped out on paper and maybe even projected onto a vision board with pretty pictures of what life was going to be in five to ten years from that date. You even made...

How to Spot Safe & Unsafe People When You Have a Chronic Illness

  This post contains affiliates. "Chronic illness wouldn't be as terrible as it is if it were just the illness we were dealing with." I'm not sure who said this statement, but it's a fairly accurate statement. There isn't an area where chronic illness doesn't...

Protected: How to Replace Family Dysfunction with a Biblical Worldview

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How to Keep Your Healthy Eating Goals With Sunbasket

  This post contains affiliates. I know the question pops up frequently: just how do I keep my goal to eat healthy? And then the follow-up question that becomes even more overwhelming than the first: what does it actually mean to eat healthy?  Even though my food...

Protected: How Family Dysfunction Impacts Your Chronic Illness pt. 1

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Body Repair: 5 Ways to Repair Church Wounds

Is it possible to heal from church hurts? Will the hurt ever go away from Christians who wounded me? You may be asking yourself a string of these questions. And while the healing is never easy, I hope this series has at least infused you with a slight possibility that...

Hope for When “This too Shall Pass” Never Comes

"Sarah, he said he really thought things were going to improve for us- that he knew God was going to change our circumstance for the better." My husband was turned towards me in the kitchen three years ago with those words that he was repeating from a friend lending...

The Church Hurts Itself By Majoring on the Minors

I regularly write on the topic of the Mommy Wars and the damage they are doing to the church in our day. One of the ways in which the onslaught of the Mommy Wars is wreaking havoc is by causing us to major on the minors, or to harp on and focus our attention primarily...

Body Damage: The Church Hurts Itself By Forsaking Vulnerability

  This is a story that was emotional and devastating at the time and it took years to realise the full impact of what had happened, but this is also a story of hope and of God’s sovereignty over all things. I am so grateful that I have been given the opportunity...

Body Damage: 15 Ways the Church Hurts Itself

  This post contains affiliates. That means our family gets a small commission through any links you purchase through this page. See our disclosure here.  I know you may be seeing the title of this post and thinking the thoughts, "Yay, let's get the church!...

Dictionary of Christianity and Science: A Review

My friend, Chris Reese, let me know that his long awaited book Dictionary of Christianity and Science was available to read. At the mention, I was excited that such a much-needed resource was created and will be (as of this writing) available in just five days for the...

When God Is Silent- Guest Post

    “I don’t think God would allow the same thing to happen twice. Why would He allow you to get so seriously sick again when you’ve already endured that testing once?”   That was the response of my husband, then brand new boyfriend when I warned him...

10 Books for Women Who Want to Grow in Their Faith

    You've been there. Glaring at the Christian section at Barnes and Noble, overwhelmed by the choices in front of you. All you're looking for are good books for women who want to grow in their faith. This is a good list of basic books for women who want to...

Hope Filled Tips for Christian Bloggers

  My heart is stirred by a noble theme     as I recite my verses for the king;     my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer. Psalm 45:1   I remember this verse gracing my computer screen with calligraphy script as a background wallpaper many years back....

What 10 Christians Want You to Know About Chronic Illness

    I've spent time over the last month collecting some of the best voices on chronic illness and pain from the lens of  Christians enduring long-term health issues. The words these wonderful people have to offer are filled with such astounding wisdom. Take...

8 Hope-Filled Life Hacks From Fixer Upper’s Chip & Joanna Gaines

      Both Michael and I have fallen in love with the HGTV show, Fixer Upper. Yup, I outed my husband. He's a dude who watches HGTV. At first, Michael watched the show to placate me, then we both realized after just several episodes that the magic of...

Stasi Eldredge’s Defiant Joy: A Review

Defiant Joy by Stasi Eldredge is supposed to be all about "taking hold of hope, beauty, and life in a hurting world." Essentially, the book wants us to remember that even though we live in a fallen world that's filled with hurts and tears, we can still...

How Do We Handle Disappointment as a Christian?

As a note: this post contains affiliate links that help with funding more medical treatments.See our disclosure here. I used to think I did fine at handling disappointment. You just kind of roll with the punches and realize life isn't fair, and "move on." But what if...

Communicating with Your Spouse When You Don’t Know Where to Start

        There may be some affiliate links in this article.  I’m a stuffer.   Not a hoarder stuffer, but a conflict and communication in general stuffer. There’s usually one person in a relationship who stifles communication, not able to openly...

10 Faith Filled Books for the Chronically Ill

  When you're in the deepest of trenches, sometimes you just need the right book to offer itself in your life and commiserate with you. Enter in our list of books of Faith Filled Books for the Chronically Ill. Faith is the main backbone of all these books. We...

8 Reasons Why Millennials Aren’t Getting Married

I just wrote a personal take on millennials and our fear of marriage here. But right now, I wanted to take the time to discuss why millennials aren't getting married. This is in no way an extensive list; I can think of a few more points of why marriage isn't happening...

A Letter to Wives, You Were Once a Girlfriend Before You Became a Mrs.

    “You know, you’ll always be my boyfriend.” I turned to my then new fiance' to say those words, then looked into his face to see the look of repulsion etched on his face as if I just called him “terd-face.”   “But I don’t want to be your boyfriend....

When Your Goals Seem Out of Reach Because of Your Struggles: How Do You Dream for Tomorrow?

      The piping hot coffee coupled with the fragrant aroma of freshly baked cookies was presented in front of the men and women I was positioned in front of. Their wrinkled faces peered at me, waiting for me to speak on the topic at hand: New Year’s...

Finding Hope in the Darkness

    We didn't know when we first created "Inkblots" that my health would demand my body to stay in a pitch-black room or else intense neuro issues would strike.   We were literally and figuratively in the dark.   It was at that time where my...

Lord, Teach Us to Pray

  I looked out the car window as palm tree-lined medians became a blur matching my own blurred thoughts. I then looked at my husband, Michael, who was driving when the words came, “My mind feels so numb that I just don’t know what to pray anymore.”   It was...

Using the Serenity Prayer in Our Everyday Life

  If you’re anything like me, you may think of the word serenity and immediately remember Frank Costanza, George Costanza’s zany father from Seinfeld going through a fictional self-help material based on the very real faddish trend of DIY self-help psychology in...

Reshaping the Millennial View of Marriage

    “And would you wipe her butt if she became really sick?” “Wait, what kind of question is that?” I can almost picture my husband's quizzical expression. After a moment of thought he finished with, “Yes, if it came down to it, I would.” ”Well, if you would...

You’re Not Alone In Your Suffering

    Can I confess something? I'm still puzzled about the events that have taken place in my life since I married Michael several years ago. The strange abnormalities that sent me to numerous doctors with one proclaiming they had only seen a case like mine...

Chuck Norris’ Autobiography, Against All Odds

Chuck Norris’ autobiography, Against All Odds was so epic, that it wrote itself. That is the line most of us in the Chuck Norris Legendary-Fandom world would have used to describe this personal memoir of Chuck Norris.’ If you’re unfamiliar with this line of joking,...

Great Gift Ideas For Hope & Health

Whenever we embark on a season of giving, I think of the piles of well-intentioned gifts that are now buried in closets never to see the light of day because the gift didn't hold a purpose. We decided to formulate an intentional gift giving list for gift ideas for...

What to do When You Can’t Write Because of Brain Fog

Brain Fog. It's the nebulous foe of anyone with a chronic illness who enjoys writing...or you know, thinking. You stare at the screen, but the cursor just seems to blink repetitiously among a blank sea of nothingness. Meanwhile, your brain feels like it's stuffed with...

Grieving Your Chronic Illness

  "You know you don't have to cry. Look on the positive side." I don't remember my husband, Michael's exact words those many months ago, but they were along those lines. I was sitting on the bed and glanced over at our wedding photos framed over our bookshelf....

Your Message Will Be Attacked

      Whatever message you have on your heart will be attacked. If you feel called to be a crusader of hope, you will come to doubt hope's very existence. If your mission is to rehabilitate the homeless, you'll eventually come to wonder if they even...

15 Picture Quotes: A Journey in Need of Light

  We know many who could use a little light  now to illuminate their path in a journey in need of light. Some are gravely concerned over the fate of our country. Others have personal problems tucked closely to them. Whatever the case, we are a people in need of...

And Even Still, God Is Good

  I had tears filling my eyes over an ampersand sign embellished on a tee. Yes, you heard me correctly, one of those squiggly "and" signs. To save my dignity slightly, they were the type of tears that were stopped before they threatened to spill onto my cheeks....

When My Invisible Illness Became Visible

  I was posed this simple yet thought provoking question from my husband the other day. "What do you think is worse- having an invisible illness or visible?"  The question took my aback. I didn't know the dividing line between invisible and visible was so tenuous...

Jesus Redefines Our Success

  I was talking with someone on the phone a couple years back about the feeling of purposelessness that's linked with chronic illness. They too, had a health condition that greatly restricted their livelihood, yet I couldn't help but hear a positive lilt to their...

Why We Celebrate the Day We Met

  September 23rd. It's just a day on the calendar to most, and quite honestly, it could have been for us as well. I mean, it's not our wedding anniversary.  It was the day we met five years ago, and we decided to make it special by celebrating the day and...

15 Quotes for When You Need A Spot of Hope

  If one of the central messages of Inkblots of an Idealist is hope, then we felt it had to be a must to offer you 15 quotes in the form of photo messages that revolve around hope. If there is a quote (or quotes) you feel should have made the list, let us know in...

Rethinking Our Thinking: You’re Not Your Bad Days

  Our lives are arranged into a mosaic of good moments and bad. Yet those bad moments tend to cobweb our thinking into redefining an entire situation as utterly detestable. The days where I am literally crying out in pain seem to muddle my thinking and can...

Is There Ever a Purpose for Sin pt. 2: David’s Story

If you haven't read part one of this series yet, click here so you can get the scope of the story in full context. We all know the story. Instead of going out to battle as kings were meant to, (1 Samuel 11:1) King David refrained from the battleground to stay in...

Is There Ever a Purpose for Sin? Part 1: Joseph’s Side

  Living in a world fettered by sin, we have all fallen short of God’s glory, and we have all disobeyed God by feeding our fleshly desires. But is there a purpose for this- is there a purpose for the pain someone else’s sin has inflicted upon us? Is there a...

A Letter to the Person Facing Chronic Illness

    To My Dear Friend Facing Chronic Illness: I’ve seen you coming out from the doctor’s office. You come back soon after with orange cylindrical bottles that have newly hit the market, promising change. Or you have your armful of supplements lined up neatly...

15 Picture Quotes on Love & Marriage

  We thought we would bring to you some photo messages on one of our favorite subjects: Love & Marriage. We found so may quotes we love that we're splitting this into two parts. We really hope you guys love them and find at least one quotes that really suits...

Love So Deep

  Visible monuments of love can easily be googled and gazed at in the form of images and corresponding calculations. We were both waking up with tea in hand when the topic of underwater exploration and mountains somehow arose. The question soon came:  what is the...

Lecrae – Unashamed

  The intro of the much anticipated 2016 released book Unashamed gives us a brief glance of Lecrae attending the Grammy's and his appearance at Jay-Z and Beyonce's Roc Nation Party. Since most of us will never touch foot on the carpet rolled out to be graced by...

To the Woman Who Told Me to Die

    “If I were her, I would have euthanasia done.” Those were the words typed by a woman in response to seeing a video showing my neurological impairments. My husband and others were graciously trying to garner funds to improve my condition. To give a chance...

Take Heart

      The world is bombarded with information and as the saying goes "knowledge is power" but what kind of power? Words do have power. Whether in written form, verbal, television, the internet, the radio, songs and so on. We need to have a filter of...

Over the Edge

Over the Edge is my first book by Brandilyn Collins and it didn’t let me down. I had a small social media chat with Tosca Lee (a favorite author of mine) who recommended this book to me after hearing the personal impact Lyme had in our own household. A year...

10 Picture Quotes- When Life Becomes Difficult

    Life is difficult. It hurts to be human. We can't take away your pain whatsoever, but we at least wanted to offer you some quotes. Some are encouraging; some simply are here to give you an allowance to grieve. You'll notice when you hover over a photo...

A Reflection on Letting Go of Perfect

    Just like the dandelion in this picture, we are fragile. A gust of wind could easily blow at any moment, revealing our imperfections. Now we’re left to resemble a misshapen weed. Can we be okay with being less than perfect? Amy Spiegel, wife of Jim...

Reflection On What You Need to Know About Healing

  Christian healing is one of my favorite topics and one of my least favorite. When I see a book under the  Christian category with the subject matter of healing, I become hesitant. Will this book I’m picking up tell me I will be guaranteed healing if I do x,y,z?...

Steadfast Love

  A sudden thud to the ground during Thanksgiving season in 2009 changed the Chandler’s lives forever. Matt Chandler, a prominent Evangelical Pastor had stage 3 brain cancer. This may read like a simple headline on a Twitter newsfeed, but the agony it brought to...

Yearning for Miracles

  Have I left you yet? Then the other words return as a whisper, just wait expectantly. The problems are so weighty. Ones we never thought we would experience. I want the parting of the sea. The waters to turbulently gush to my side left and right, fish flopping...


  Before you do anything else, watch the book trailer at the bottom of this page. This was my first introduction to Mended the book, a video of Mrs. Angie Smith (wife of Todd Smith from Selah) passionately speaking about a pitcher she personally hammered into...

The Love of Wisdom

What a pleasure it was to read The Love of Wisdom by Steven B. Cowen and James S. Spiegel. The Love of Wisdom is an introductory resource of philosophy from a Christian worldview. It is a more accessible read than some of its counters, yet without losing its fine...

Dancing Through Life

Full House fans have been anticipating the new spin-off Fuller House which is to be aired this month, Friday, Feb. 26th on Netflix! Rewinding a tad, Candace Cameron Bure (a.k.a. D.J. Tanner) starred on the hit show Dancing With the Stars in 2014. The book, Dancing...

Eric Metaxas on Miracles

    We love to believe in miracles when we need them, but dismiss them when we are living in our everyday lives. Suddenly, we feel as if it doesn’t fit within the materialistic framework we’ve grown accustomed to. It’s to be dismissed. Only the crazies...

A Reflection on God as Author

  We thought that there was no better time than January to begin the book God as Author. The start of the new year ahead brings to mind a fresh beginning to a new page in the storybook of our lives. Gene C. Fant Jr.'s “God as Author” explores how viewing God as...

I’d Sure Hate to Break Down Here- Movin’ From One Year to the Next Without Regrets

    It’s the beginning of 2016. Let us just collectively say the thought that crosses our minds every year, “How in the world did (fill in the blank) year even catch up to us?!” The calendar is on a new four digit number system, but what about last year? Or...

Women of the Duck Commander Review

  The men of Duck Dynasty made a statement with their rugged beards and unabashed beliefs. Their burly, Jesus lovin' personas are almost reminiscent of John the Baptist who ate locusts and  lived as a wild man from the woods, all the while preparing the way for...

Married Years- Reflection on Christy and Todd

  We’ve heard it a thousand times, “and they lived happily ever after.” But what does this even mean? We know the prince and princess are now married. We imagine the lace gown, perfect three tier cake, and the quintessential Disney-esque carriage that whisks them...

Joni and Ken: An Untold Love Story

Joni and Ken An Untold Love Story unfolds the love story that confuses generations. Why would an able-bodied (Ken) fall for a severely disabled (Joni)? It would be one thing to continue loving someone through disabilities, but to choose such a lifestyle is another....

Helping a Friend- Getting Max on Track

We do not know where Sarah would be at the moment if it were not for the loving support of offerings brought our way through crowd funding. Because of the lows we have experienced, God has grown us in compassion for people in other dire circumstances. Max Andrews is...

8 Hope-Filled Life Hacks From the Elderly

  I have heard my fair share of advice on the most preferable stool softeners on the market, or the fights over whether or not Frank Sinatra was handsome enough to be screamed at and drooled over by the young female populous of the time. But there are a number of...

The Struggle

  Backstory: Sarah wrote this when everything seemed to be falling apart. Everything seemed like it just hit her health wise in November with her down-spiral to the outside world, but it was much sooner. Sarah had to deal with her emotions somehow. Writing was...

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A Wedding Story

What importance does a wedding hold after the cake has been cut and the lights and singing fade to only a memory? Maybe as you read, you can think of your own wedding and the significance it can still hold for you, months or years after the "I do's."    I didn’t...

How I Met the Mr.

      Setting the Stage  It was summer of 2011. I was trying to regain my health back by visiting my doctor on a weekly basis, which meant collapsing into a sterilized recliner whilst being hooked up to an IV drip. I hadn’t planned to meet a love...

When the Promised Land Isn’t Heaven

Have You Ever...? Have you ever caught yourself saying those few little detrimental words disguised as hope. “If only _________ ?” They seem innocent. If only I had a loving spouse, life would be perfect. If only I had a brain like Karl and a face like Carla, then...

Does God Want to Be a Kill-joy?

Many of us default to perceiving God as a Divine Master of the Skies surfing clouds in search of the next soul to extract joy from. But does God have a magic straw, stronger than those Slurpee Straws at 7-11 that intentionally sucks up any happiness we may have? How...

Finding Purpose in Our Trials

It was one of those Floridian days that felt like a tropical paradise beckoned you in your very backyard. The breeze was lightly flowing, causing the palm frawns to flutter in the trees, while the glowing sun’s rays were pleasantly diffused by the foliage surrounding...

Exalting an Empire of Dirt

  I cling to what is around me, everything I have created with my own hands. I may be cloaked in the night’s darkness; I may feel the chill of the air whipping its gusts through my bare skin, but my mind is rest assured in what I have built. The soil beneath my...

Six Things NOT to Say to Someone who is Chronically Ill

  1. “Oh, I’ve had something like that before, you’ll be fine.” So many times, there can be shared symptoms with individuals fighting health crises. It’s easy to jump to conclusions, presuming the outcome will be the same. Even with people who have...

Walking with God in Mordor

“That is why Scripture can seem at times so blithely and irrationally out of touch with reality, brushing back huge philosophical problems and personal agony. That is how life is when looking from the end. Perspective changes everything. What seemed so important at...

Redefining Strength When You Battle Chronic Illness

When you battle chronic illness, strength can take on a different form. The meaning to me no longer connotes  a Xena or Hercules statuesque frame. Throw  out the nunchucks, throwing stars, and pointy javelins. ...

The Strange Dichotomy Between How I Look And What I Feel

  This was written just weeks before Sarah had outward health manifestations in the form of tics, seizures, and mobility issues. Prior, she "looked fine" but felt so far from it. - Michael I distinctly remember watching a video my husband taped of me...