e know when you guys are stumbling on this site, you could be here for any number of reasons. Just Start Hereto give some background, this blog was formulated in my (Sarah’s) noggin in late 2014 right before my really bad health collapse. I had this crazy surge of adrenaline (that I now know as my adrenals charging into overdrive) that allowed me to pummel through about two dozen articles specifically written for this blog. So some of them were scattered around Inkblots of Hope when I couldn’t yet write. (Then Inkblots of an Idealist.)



My sweet husband, not thinking he would ever get involved in the writing process of Inkblots of Hope pitched in with writing about our messy life in search of hope. 


But he also never thought he would become my caregiver either.



This blog is centered around faith, the messy life of chronic illness that we will be expanding into offering info on wellness and a growing page on marriage. Our central focus is encouraging anyone who peers at this page that they can still have a story of hope, in spite of their mess. 


We hope that all of our messy lives (you’re included on this one, friend!) can point in the direction of true hope.


And on the note of all of this messy stuff intermingled with hope, I really never thought I would still be on this journey to wellness, which is why I appreciate all the more my hubby and the strong support of others in helping me maintain this spot of hope on the internet. A big shout out to all of you who helped me in the process.

Oh, and as a super humbling side note, you may see some  a lot of errors in this blog. I used to be the kind of girl that had to have everything perfect before executing any kind of project. But with slowly regaining my writing skills, errors abound that would make the third grade me cringe. That is the very messy way God has humbled me, someone who used to strive for accuracy, but now is humbled to find grad school errors in their writing. I really apologize, friends. When I’m feeling better, I’ll go through this blog with an editorial eye. And I will thank the good Lord above that you have endured my messy inkblots. 



If you’re anything like me, you may think of the word serenity…

I used to think I did fine at handling disappointment. You just kind of roll with the punches…

I‘ve spent time over the last month collecting some of the best voices on chronic illness…

I distinctly remember watching a video my husband taped of me approximately…

“You know, you’ll always be my boyfriend.” I turned to my then new fiance’…”

I’m a stuffer. Not a hoarder stuffer, but a conflict…

You’ve been there. Glaring at the Christian section at Barnes and Noble, overwhelmed by…

When you’re in the deepest of trenches, sometimes you just need the right book…

Top photo: credit to Kati Rosado Photography