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The Promises of God Storybook Bible by Jennifer Lyell
The Promises of God Storybook Bible is probably my personal favorite children’s book that I’ve gotten my hands on and the one I’m most excited to share with you. Why? It’s dense with theological truths like the trinity but condensed to a level that a young mind would be able to comprehend. And it’s GORGEOUS in design.
Per what you would expect from a storybook Bible for children, The Promises of God Storybook Bible has the typical stories throughout from Adam and Eve to Moses, John the Baptist baptizing Jesus and everywhere in between these beloved biblical stories and beyond.
What I also love about The Promises of God Storybook Bible is the thought-provoking questions asked after each story entry. Here’s an example of the first storybook entry “God Before Light.”
Questions from The Promises of God Storybook Bible:
How many Gods are there?
How many persons is the one God?
What are the names of the persons of God?
Does God get surprised or confused about things that happen in the world?
Scarlett’s Spectacles: A Cheerful Choice for a Happy Heart by Janet Surette
I shared with you my personal favorite children’s book at the moment, but I want to share with you my daughter’s favorite book, Scarlett’s Spectacles: A Cheerful Choice for a Happy Heart. Maybe it’s the colorful images of sweet Scarlett in this board book or maybe it’s the message of a sour disposition turned content, but my babe gives a giddy smile when this book opens!
The message is one that our youngsters need to hear (and us as well)– that a perspective of gratitude is necessary for life. At the beginning of the book, we visit with Scarlett who has a sour perspective of life which is illustrated with Scarlett wearing dowdy brown glasses known as her grumbly grasses. She bemoans her bath time, chores, and schoolwork until her mother reminds her she has reasons to be grateful, but most of it, she misses. Scarlett then decides to wear her grateful glasses which is a fuchsia sparkly pair. Her outlook on life then changes when she chooses to see life with gratitude.
Which Shape Should I Be?
Which Shape Should I Be? is an interactive Christian children’s book showing children that God designed shapes in a specific way. The left side of the board book depicts a shape, i.e.: a triangle and tells the child to find the triangle in the colorful image on the right side.
As an example, a page will say, “My sailboat has a triangle for sailing on the sea. Can you find the shape mine would be?” The page is complete with an image of a triangle. On the right side is a picture of a child with a plethora of shapes. It’s up to the child to match the triangle on the left with the triangle on the right.
I love interactive books like Which Shape Should I Be? because it gets our kids to ponder for themselves and develop the beginning stages of a critical thinking pattern.
Why God?: Big Answers About God and Why We Believe in Him
by Dan DeWitt
Thomas and his sister, Hope have thought-piquing questions that they want to ask their mom as it relates to God and life. Such questions would be considered under the Christian genre’ of apologetics which just means giving a defense for the faith.
Some of the questions covered in Why God?: Big Answers About God and Why We Believe in Him :
Why should a child believe in God when some of their friends may not?
Where did nature and wildlife come from that we see before our eyes?
Why is there chaos in the world God created? (Like storms and shark attacks?)
I like the book Why God? because it’s a good entry point for parents to discuss the topics that could hinder a child from accepting the faith fully. I feel like Why God? could have done a slightly better job covering the problem of evil and suffering. But where it may have had an issue delving into such a deep topic with appropriate closure, it soared marvelously with the fine-tuning, teleological argument for God’s existence.