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Ithink we all know that studying the Bible is good, but where do you begin? The challenge to study the Bible can seem pretty daunting, am I right? That’s why I’m super excited to share the CSB Study Bible with you guys.   I mentioned over here how the original CSB Study Bible (then called the Holman Study Bible) greatly enriched my Bible study time. My husband (then fiance’) admired the Bible so much that I made sure I purchased one for him…and a number of other friends who expressed interest in taking their Bible reading to the next level.   Well now B&H Publishing has re-released the Bible with their slightly updated translation, the CSB, and revamped the inside to have even more pictures, articles, and special features. I’ll give you a tour of the CSB Study Bible so you can see for yourself.
Each book of the Bible has a full-color intro complete with a helpful description that will give you a full overview of the particular book you’re reading.
The CSB Study Bible has helpful maps throughout, all positioned in a relevant spot to what’s described in the Bible.
Our favorite part of this Bible has always been the helpful commentary throughout.   Now I will mention, that although it is helpful, there are times where the explanation is lacking or there isn’t commentary at all for the very difficult passages. But that’s okay to us because this is a Study Bible that only has room for a small amount of text. We get it. That’s why we still have commentaries that we use in addition to the CSB Study Bible.
So I’m not a Greek or Hebrew expert, but it’s kind of cool that you can sound like one with this Bible. Throughout the CSB Study Bible, a Greek or Hebrew word that’s important to the passages is mentioned complete with the pronunciation and description.
And in the back of the CSB Study Bible is a helpful concordance.
I’ve always thought that the CSB Study Bible has all you need for a good study Bible. Now if you’re not in the market for a study Bible, I took a look at the beautiful She Reads Truth Bible over here to see if it’s a good fit for you.
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We generously received the CSB Study Bible for free from B&H Publishing in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are our own.